What James Bond Can Teach Us About Advertising

Shake Things Up!

Your advertising should be shaken, not stirred.

Yep – just like 007’s martinis.

Allow me to explain…

See, many businesses aren’t sure how to effectively market themselves. They’re not sure what to say. Or how to say it.

So they “play it safe”, basing their marketing messages on what they see other businesses doing.

But here’s the thing:

Most of these businesses don’t know what they’re doing either!

When it comes to small business advertising, the blind is often leading the blind.

This type of copycat messaging is stirred. It’s a blend – a mixture – of the same misguided (albeit well-intentioned) small business marketing strategies.

And it suffers a common, fatal flaw:

It says what the business offers (in terms of products/services) without actually offering any compelling reason why prospects should do business with them specifically.

There’s little (if anything) said that distinguishes the business from its competitors.

It sounds simple – perhaps even obvious – that sounding like your competitors won’t win you more customers. But it’s a misleadingly “safe” approach for businesses that aren’t sure what to say.

So you know what? Screw playing it safe.

Safe isn’t going to win the war for your prospects’ attention. Advertising effectively means you must be different.

You must be unforgettable.

And to be unforgettable, you must shake things up!

That’s why my copywriting services and small business branding ideas tend to zig, when everyone else zags.


This does not mean saying anything outlandish or silly, just for the sake of being different.


This means finding a unique angle that’s interesting and relevant, then expressing it through carefully chosen words.

These words and ideas stick in your prospects’ heads (and hearts), long after they’ve read the messaging on your website, advertisements, or emails.

They are words and ideas that are creative, not conservative.

Memorable, not forgettable.

Shaken, not stirred.


Let’s Get Started

Turn words into weapons of mass distinction